Jaysingpur City Lions Club

Date Place Activity Type Title Description Proof 1 2 3
15-09-2024 IND estate Environment Tree plantation Tree plantation 7
23-08-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Humanitarian Dist first physio therapy centre Physiotherapy
17-08-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Other Immunization centre 1 Immunizations
16-08-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Other Immunization centre 1 Immunization
16-08-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Other Immunization centre 1 Immunization
15-08-2024 IND estate City Jaysingpur railway station Humanitarian Flag hoisting 3places Flag hoisting and sweet distribution
09-08-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Other Anemia free India center Patients checked folvite folic acid medicines
01-08-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Vision Vigion center 57patiants checked cataract patient 4
27-07-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Vision Vigion center Eye check up
24-07-2024 Dr kiran Patil Other Immunization centre 2 Immunity
20-07-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Humanitarian Dist first physio therapy centre Phisio patient's checked and treatment 108
20-07-2024 Ingale hall Youth Felicitation 5 Student Felicitation of ranking students
20-07-2024 Ingale hall Youth Felicitation 5 Student Felicitation of ranking students
19-07-2024 Shahu High school Hunger Sweet distribution Sweet distributed
13-07-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Humanitarian Anemia free India center Patients checked medicine distribution
13-07-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Humanitarian Anemia free India center Patients checked medicine distribution
12-07-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. Hospital Other Immunization centre 1 Immunization
12-07-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. Hospital Other Immunization centre 1 Immunization
11-07-2024 Dr sukumar Magdum. medical college Environment Tree plantation Tree planting 7