District Governor 1992-1993

Past District Governor - 1992-1993
Past District Governor - District3234d1
Slogan : Be a Lamp and Shine

Lion Prof. Subhash J. Arwade

District Governor 1992-1993

Home Club Lions Club of Sangli
Address 70, Vasant Market Yard,
SANGLI – 416 416
Maharashtra State - INDIA
Education M.A. (Karnatak), M.A. (Shivaji University)
Occupaton Business
Office Phone No. + 91-233-2671111, 2671112
Resi. Phone No. + 91-233-5616322
Mobile + 91- 98225 07401
E-mail ID arwadesteel@vsnl.net
Blood Group AB +ve
Birth Date 1st September
Marriage Date 26th March
Spouse Prof. Shobha